Delta Epsilon Phi
National Honor Society for High School Students of German
Delta Epsilon Phi (ΔΕΦ) National Honor Society for High School Students of German recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of learners of German. The organization was founded in 1968 by Käthe Wilson at Coral Gables High School (FL), a devoted AATG member, to reward scholastic achievement in the study of German and to promote interest in the study of German language, literature, and civilization.
Establishing a Chapter
Delta Epsilon Phi chapters may be established in any educational institution that offers German language instruction at the grade level 9 through 12/13. Chapter sponsors must be AATG members. To establish a new ΔΕΦ chapter, please fill out and submit this form. Your application will be reviewed and if approved, we will contact you with further details. At that point, a one-time $25 activation fee will be due. Once established, chapters are granted in perpetuity – no reactivation needed.
Student Eligibility
To be eligible for induction, students must have completed three semesters of German, or the academic equivalent of three semesters of German (as determined by the chapter sponsor), with a 3.3 grade point average (or 87% average) in German and have an overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Individual chapters may set additional eligibility requirements.
Inducting Members
Eligible students may be inducted into their local ΔΕΦ chapter upon registration with AATG and payment of induction fees. The induction fee includes an official membership certificate printed with the student name, school name, and chapter affiliation, and a wallet-sized membership card. Two examples of induction scripts can be found here: short induction ceremony script and long induction ceremony script. Feel free to adjust the wording and procedure to your preferences and traditions as needed, and use your best judgment regarding the use of candles or other items. Virtual inductions and inductions in absentia are permissible as well.
Please note: Inducting students is a two-part process:
- Teachers submit the names of qualified members to AATG electronically using this form.
- Teachers or a representative place an order for the inductions via the AATG Online Store.
Delta Epsilon Phi Accessories 
Members shall be entitled to wear the emblem of the organization. Order Delta Epsilon Phi items, including T-shirts, lapel pins, key rings, and cords in the AATG Store.
Scholarship Eligibility
Members shall be eligible to apply for scholarships immediately after induction.
Chapter Activities
Chapter activities provide an opportunity to highlight the German program in the school and community. Check out this list of Suggested Activities and Fundraising Strategies, or explore what other chapters are doing in the community and for their induction ceremonies in the publications below.
Also see our FAQ section for more information, including chapter activity and ideas to keep your chapter active and thriving.
Did you know?
As of 2021, AATG no longer requires an annual report from chapters. Active chapters are encouraged to submit their activity directly to the AATG newsletter Aktuelles to highlight their program nationally with pictures and stories.
Looking for the College/University German Honor Society? Contact our colleagues at Delta Phi Alpha to learn more.