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Chapter & Governance Meetings

Nominations open for AATG Board of Directors

Nominate yourself or a colleague!

Recurring Event
Next Date: Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 7:00 PM (EDT) to Wednesday, April 30, 2025 at 8:00 PM (EDT)

Event Details

The AATG nominating committee is currently seeking nominations for the 2025 election to fill four positions on the Board of Directors to start their terms on January 1, 2026. 

  • A pre-collegiate (K-12) candidate from any region to serve as Vice President from 2026-2027 and as President in 2028-2029.
  • A pre-collegiate (K-12) Chapter-Officer Representative from any region. This is a position returning to the Board of Directors this year. The candidate should have recent experience as a Chapter Officer so that they are able to provide advice and support to the presidents of AATG's 56 Chapters. The term of office for this position is 2026-2028.
  • A pre-collegiate (K-12) Representative from the Southwest Region. Chapters in the Southwest Region: Arkansas, Arizona, Hawaii, Louisiana, New Mexico/El Paso, Oklahoma, Southern California, San Diego, North Texas, Houston, South Texas. The term of office for this position is 2026-2028. 
  • A post-secondary (college/university) Representative from the Central Region. Chapters in the Central Region: Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Northern New Jersey, Southern New Jersey, Ohio, Central Pennsylvania, Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia, Philadelphia/ Delaware. The term of office for this position is 2026-2028.

AATG encourages self-nominations. Members may also nominate other members. To nominate yourself or another member, complete the online nomination form here. Inquiries may be sent to Doug Philipp, (Cheyenne Mountain High School), chair of the Nominating Committee.

Nominations are due April 30, 2025. The election will take place during fall 2025. 

For More Information:

American Association of Teachers of German Logo 112 Haddontowne Court #104
Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034
United States