Student Applications for the National German Exam Scholarship Due
Next Date: Thursday, February 19, 2026
Event Details
How to Apply. Students who qualify for the scholarship can find a link to the application on the National German Exam Scholarship page. Local committees select nominees for each AATG Chapter. All students who are nominated for a scholarship by their local chapter will take the Avant STAMP Test to determine group placement. A national committee then selects the final scholarship recipients. Complete application materials and procedures are available on the National German Exam Scholarship page.
For More Information:

For over 60 years, the Federal Republic of Germany, through the German Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) and its Pedagogical Exchange Service (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst), has provided the AATG/PAD National German Exam Scholarship (formerly Study Trip Award), a three-week trip to Germany in the summer following the Exam. Students attend classes at an academic high school, stay in homestays, and participate in various excursions to places of cultural significance.