Call For Papers: Forum on Assessment in German Language Teaching

Community, German Resources,

Die Unterrichtspraxis welcomes submissions for an upcoming Forum on Assessment in German Language Teaching. Short articles in this Forum explore the evolving landscape of assessment, addressing critical issues around equity, access, and inclusivity. They welcome contributions that reflect innovative practices, theoretical frameworks, and practical approaches that can inform and transform assessment in German language education. They are especially interested in perspectives on assessment in secondary education. Writing mentors are available upon request. 

Topics might include:

  • Social justice and equity in assessment: How can assessment practices in German language education be reimagined to ensure they are equitable, inclusive, and accessible? How do issues of social justice intersect with established and newer forms of assessment? How can assessment be meaningful and fair for all groups and all students?
  • Ungrading and other reimagined forms of assessment: How has or might the ungrading movement challenge/d conventional grading systems in German language teaching? What are the benefits and drawbacks of alternative assessment methods, such as portfolios, peer assessments, or self-assessment?
  • Grading practices and standards: How do grading practices in German language classrooms impact student learning and motivation? What role do standards, standardization, and external exams play in shaping assessment, and how can these practices be adapted to foster a more learner- and learning-centered approach?
  • Technology in assessment: What role does technology play in second-language assessment, and how can digital tools be leveraged to enhance fairness, feedback, and learning outcomes in the German language classroom? How can inappropriate help through digital tools (e.g., internet sites and services; generative AI) be discouraged or prevented?
  • Assessment and curriculum design: How can assessment be better integrated with curriculum design to support language learning? What strategies ensure that assessments align with learning objectives and student needs in German language education?

They are particularly interested in submissions that engage with these topics through the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion and offer insights into how assessment can be used as a tool for empowerment rather than a barrier to learning.

 Submission Guidelines:

Die Unterrichtspraxis looks forward to receiving your contributions and to engaging in meaningful discussions on how we can all reimagine assessment in German language education.

For inquiries, please contact

Read more here.