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AATG Professional Development Endowed Fund

The AATG Professional Development Endowed Fund supports German teachers in professional development at all levels of instruction (K-16). As an endowed fund, the income generated from the fund will go to annually support as many teachers as possible. The fund solicits annual applications from AATG members and will prioritize professional development programs that involve travel to the German-speaking world.

The AATG Professional Development Endowed Fund was founded in 2021 to directly support German Teachers. The fund was founded by a supportive coalition of AATG regional chapters and private donations. Regional chapters* contributing to the foundation of this fund included:

Montana; South Dakota; Southern New Jersey; Alabama; North Dakota; Hudson Valley; Rhode Island; Southern Illinois; Oregon; Central New York; South Texas; Massachusetts; Louisiana; Indiana; Connecticut; New Mexico; Western New York; South Carolina; Ohio; Northern New England; Virginia; Wisconsin; Washington; Northern New Jersey; Philadelphia; Central Pennsylvania; Houston; Kansas; Southern California; Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia; Minnesota; North Carolina; Maine; Utah; Colorado/Wyoming; Kentucky; Northern Illinois; Northern California; Maryland; Missouri; North Texas; Georgia.

*Chapters which donated by the end of 2021 are listed as founders of the fund. 

Private donations that helped to found this fund in 2021 include: Michael Heinsdorf, in honor of his parents, Doug Philipp, Susanne Rinner, and Michael Shaughnessy.

Donate Today!

Please consider becoming a patron of this fund and directly supporting German teachers. Your gift to the AATG Professional Development Fund will make a difference in the lives of teachers who do not regularly receive support through their institutions. Additionally, this fund provides invaluable opportunities for teachers to visit the German-speaking world for professional development purposes.

The AATG is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) entity. All outright gifts, bequests, and transfers are deductible for federal estate and tax gift purposes.

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